Bi-Facial PV Modules
- MBB cell technology – excellent anti-microcracking
performance with more balanced interior stress;
grid pattern current path, lower cost - Up to 600 Wp at 15% Bifaciality Gain**
- 70 ± 5% bifaciality factor
- Least Degradation for LID & LeTID with Ga-doped Technology
- Excellent PID Resistance

MBB cell technology with 10BB, Smart Soldering
High module conversion efficiency up to 21.19%
Excellent low-light performance
Least Degradation for LID & LeTID with Ga Doped wafer technology Excellent anti-micro cracking performance with more balanced interior stress: grid pattern current path, lower cost
Excellent PIO Resistance
More power/m compared to industry average
Higher specific energy yield (kwh/kwp) due to superior cell + module engineering
Superior performance at NOCT and PCT conditions
Superior low light irradiation performance 200w/m
Triple EL checking to ensure defect free modules